Friday, April 15, 2022

Day One Hundred Five: 04/15/2021

5:14 a.m.

I had a dream it started out with me asking for donations at a Vietnamese restaurant for Sami's dance school auction and then I had lunch at another Asian place with Cristina from MD but I saw Gwen leave and GBDC students eating there and somehow Cristina knew them.  Then before I left I saw my sister there.  I tried to order what Cristina ordered but I had to use a touch screen and I messed it up even though I had written notes in front of me.

Anyway something else happened I can't really remember with regard to some Star Wars collectible item or something.

Then somehow I ended up in like an open air market - unless my timeline messed-up and I was getting GBDC certificates after all the other stuff - and I got really, really lost and some guy grabbed a key off a board and wanted me to go in a room with him and I started running but got lost in a deeper, shadier area and I ran right into some sort of sex worker area and they tried to get me to work for them.  One trans person pulled out their penis and told me to suck it as they tried to hide the bumps, etc. on it.  Luckily, it was interrupted by the boss lady who tried to get me to change my clothes and I ran away.  I was getting away but I ran through some kids and they grabbed one of the little girls like they were just going to use her so of course I stopped but then I saw the girl was like 5 and I was like no way are they going to use her and I started running again and I got surrounded by a group of guys and somehow ended up on a train and I said a prayer to God (out loud and little crazy like so they would back off) and I jumped off the train.  They were laughing and I was falling as I woke-up.

Nasty dream.

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