In the natural world, there is a division between organisms which are mobile and those which are immobile. Going further, it is generally understood that land masses and bodies of water are immobile. This would make the following story impossible, versus merely improbable. However, within the human mind, there is nothing which is truly impossible.
Back in a time when land masses and bodies of water were yet unnamed, and all creatures were free to roam as they pleased (within the confines of the natural order) there was a mountain, who can only be described as majestic. He stood taller and more grand than any other mountain and everyone and everything looked up to him, quite literally.
At this time in the world, everything was motile, even a mountain. It was not a simple thing, however, for a mountain to move. It took great strength and will, and a lot of time. So our most majestic mountain, always curiouss, was surveying the world around him. One day he noticed a particularly sparkly lake. eing the tallest in the world, he had a great vantage point. But even so, he felt compelled to take a closer look. What could be making this lake so extraordinarily shiny? He had to know.
The lake was aware she drew the attention of many creatures. It was a bittersweet situation for her because so many creatures, over the years, had drowned or nearly drowned in her. She didn't really understand why these creatures would jump in with such wreckless abandon, not even knowing if they could swim. Her best friends were the trees, and over time they tried to protect her form this sadness by hiding her in their shade. And as they grew taller, less and less creatures were killed in this manner. But still, the lake was sad.
The mountain watched the lake with great interest as he made his approach. The trees began to whisper to her and she began to notice he was growing larger in her day by day, his reflection, that is.
Then one day, the mountain began to speak to her. She had never heard a voice such as his, nor had she felt a presence so strong and grounded. She knew the mountain was moving toward her and she consulted with the trees. In the end, the lake asked the trees to step aside, and she began to move toward the mountain.
The thing about a moving mountain, is that it causes a lot of destruction as it moves. This is why they normally do not move. But this mountain was so ocmpelled it not only moved, it moved with surprising speed. You know, for a mountain.
The lake snesed and felt this destruction and became unsure. She wanted nothing more than to continue to move toward the mountain so that one day he could know the depth of her waters, for she knew he would not drown. But, over time, so many people had been hurt by her, directly or indirectly, she didn't know if she could bear any more pain like this.
But the mountain, the mountain knew only of looking fowrard and not of looking back. That's not to say he didn't care about the destruction, but he had such a different vantage point than the lake. He could see so many things that she could not, and he would share these visions with her, and she thirsted for more of of this knowledge. She knew she would forever after reflect the image of the mountain in her waters, and she hoped that someday he could come to swim in them.