Monday, February 28, 2022
Day Fifty-Nine: 02/28/2021
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Day Fifty-Eight: 02/27/2021
"You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop."" -Rumi
I didn't do the best job. Today. I did the minimum though. It's very apparent how much drinking negatively effects my positive habit forming. It's okay though. I'm not giving up.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Day Fifty-Seven: 02/26/2017
Friday, February 25, 2022
Day Fifty-Six: 02/25/2010
Hi baby. Today we had a mama-son day. Sami stayed at Mom Mom's because we had our millionth snow day this winter but you wanted to stay with me and go to work. We went to dinner at Hoof and Fin and you were hilarious. I really enjoyed spending time with you even though you weren't on your best behavior at my work.
You are determined to get your ear pierced. I posted an update on Facebook and it was interesting to read the responses. You know I'm inclined to let you do what you want and especially in terms of expressing your individuality. Even though in this case it's largely because your sister has gotten her ears pierced.
Things have been a bit difficult for me this winter. There were days when I felt like you and your sister were the only things I had in my life for which to live. I share this because I know in your life you'll become depressed at certain times. I want you to know how deeply I understand and hope you believe me when I tell you everything is going to be okay.
Here's the heart of the matter - the deeper you allow yourself to love, the more it's going to hurt when love changes. But being open is the key to a fulfilling life. There will be someone who never wants to hurt you, who only wants to love you. And you'll likely go through many relationships before you find this balance. The one thing I ask you is when you find her, don't let her go if you love her and she loves you back. Even if on occasion you hurt each other by accident or by circumstance. I hope when the time comes you understand what I'm telling you. I've known a lot pain in my life, and there is NOTHING worse than not being able to be open to receive the love of the one person you'd really give anything to be with in the end. It's a cruel twist of fate these lessons in love and I know you'll have plenty of your own but I just hope for you happiness like I shared with my Shawn and wisdom enough to see how to navigate through youremotions to come to a place of balance in order to find a way to maintain the love before it twists and turns away from you. Above all listen to your heart and if she gives you hers, listen to yours too. There's music to be heard.
I love you,
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Day Fifty-Five: 02/24/1996
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
My Hero
Day Fifty-Four: 02/23/2009 and 02/23/2021
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Day Fifty-Three: 02/22/2021
Monday, February 21, 2022
Day Fifty-Two: 02/21/2012
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Day Fifty-One: 02/20/2011
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Day Fifty! 02/19/2016
Friday, February 18, 2022
Day Forty-Nine: 02/18/2021
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Day Forty-Eight: 02/17/2012
This is actually sort of a two-day entry. You'll see why.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Day Forty-Seven: 02/16/1998, 02/16/2019, 02/16/2021
So, I couldn't choose just one this time. Here's all three, I think it makes a nice little retrospective.
February 16, 1998
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Day Forty-Six: 02/15/2014
This is actually a pretty boring entry but my other option was yet another entry from last year, and that one was only slightly less boring. I never promised excitement (okay, I never technically promised anything other than to myself and that was for me to make a post every day this year).
Monday, February 14, 2022
Day Forty-Five: 02/14/2021
02/14/2021 @ 10:23 p.m.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Day Forty-Four: 02/13/2014
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Day Forty-Three: 02/12/2021
Interestingly, I was reading today in "The Sun" magazine an article entitled Memory: Short-Term Loss, Long-Term Gain by James Hillman and it spoke about how after age 50 the brain changes to focus on long-term memories over short-term in favor of a sort of "life review" mode. I laughed to myself because I'm not 50 or over yet but I seem to be in life review mode anyway. :)
Friday, February 11, 2022
Day Forty-Two: Undated Random Poem from a Stack of Notebook Paper I Stapled at the Top
Apparently February 11 is not a day I am inclined to journal or write poetry. 😂
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Day Forty-One: 02/10/2012 and 02/10/2019
Wisdom is not knowledge of words written upon a page. It is knowledge of the truth, etched upon your heart. As I read of the wisdom of others, my heart shines with the understanding of many truths. I wake-up this morning with this thought in my head, and a heart that is light and happy. And, it's Friday. Even better.
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Day Forty: 02/09/2019
I can't remember if I've posted one of these entries before. I sometimes grab a stack of books I am actively reading or these Dalai Lama cards I have with quotes on them and then write about whatever came to mind after reading it.
Writing exercise time again. My mind at dis-ease. I will start with the Dalai Lama this time.
"Joyful Exertion. The elements of earth, water, fire, air and space are never exhausted but always present. The bodhisattva says, "In the same way any sentient beings depend on the elements for their life, so may I always sustain them."
So...I am not actually sure what to make of this one. Perhaps I should be working toward becoming a bodhisattva, but I feel too far from enlightenment to imagine that. I look forward to revisiting this card in the future from a new place.
I will ask Samurai to pick a page in "Jacob's Room." Well, she chose page five..."She had forgotten the meat. There was Rebecca at the window."
Pulling random phrases out of a book is much different than the Dalai Lama cards or the "Art of Peace" passages. Still, the first sentence of that makes me think of how I lose sight of what's important when I get lost in nuance. Caught up on my imperfections, I neglect to see the value and beauty within. Neglecting to see and tap into that, I allow ugliness and pain and disorder to enter into my life. The second sentence makes me think of a child, watching at the window. So here I am, focusing on unimportant and insignficant details, and the children watch and learn. My unconscious behaviors affect theirs.
Now page 5 from "Art of Peace".
"All things, material and spiritual, originate from one source and are related as if they were one family. The past, present, and future are all contained in the life force. The universe emerged and developed from one source, and we evolved through the optimal process of unification and harmonization."
Funny, it doesn't feel like we're so evolved. What even is the optimal process of unification and harmonization for humans? Is it love? I don't know what else it could be...
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Day Thirty-Nine: 02/08/2009
So, I actually have a lot of prior entries for February 8 but this first one I picked up I really liked. I feel like this was a Zelda's exercise.
Waiting for the bus to grant my wishes
Monday, February 7, 2022
Day Thirty-Eight: 02/07/2019
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Day Thirty-Seven: 02/06/2019
"Find me." She begged of him. Not loudly enough to hear, of course. In fact, she is only begging with her heart, her soul. Not with her voice. Mainly, because her voice is held by fear. Her voice is chained by shame, embarrassment. By feelings of unworthiness. She no longer even remembers being able to speak. If her tears were gifted the power of speech, she would have so much to say. It seems she would never shut up.
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Day Thirty-Six: 02/05/2012
"Understanding emptiness makes things soft, then compassion makes new shape." -Dalai Lama
Friday, February 4, 2022
Day Thirty-Five: 02/04/2012
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Day Thirty-Four: 02/03/2020
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Day Thirty-Three: 02/02/2021
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Day Thirty-Two: 02/01/2012
Well, I made it through the first month! I am actually pretty impressed with myself in this regard. Life has gotten pretty hectic and my mood I need to work hard to keep in check. But this consistency, this is a very good omen for the year ahead. This is a short little entry but it echoes a little of how I hope to feel today. I can feel the tendrils of depression reaching for me and I'm trying to stay out of reach a little longer.
Good Morning! It is a very good morning. Up at 5 a.m. and out of the house by 5:30. Randy's mom is in the hospital. I will find out if they have evening hours and take the kids to see her if they do.