Tuesday, March 5, 2019

D3 (I Try)

I try to wrap words
Around this feeling
of love
I carry for you
in my heart
But they fall away
forming a puddle
of useless babble
At my feet
The enormity
Of the emotion
Too intimidating

I try to capture moments
Like a photograph
for proof of the intensity
Of the love
I carry for you
in my heart
But my brain fixates
On the smile in your eyes
Or the joy in your laugh
And the big picture
Is lost

I try to illustrate
Our story in pictures
But my drawings
fall short
Of the truth
The love that I feel
by shading and shadow
Reality hides
in the folds of my pen
and the crease of my paper

Still, I offer you this poor attempt
Because you were born today
And that makes this day
More special than others
And I'd like to offer you something
Other than just me
Because I'm yours every day anyway

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