I think we could all use a little more inspiration in our lives. Last Sunday, out of the blue, I received an unexpected gift which lifted me out of a melancholy state and truly warmed my heart on a cold winter's day. I wanted to write of it then, but life got in the way (work, kids, etc.) and also, for some reason, it's been hard for me to find the right words.
But here I am at last, taking the time out of my day to thank @DJSID for sending me his album Atoms Apart. I think part of my struggle with writing my thank you is that I'm no good at writing about music. As such, I leave it to the artists themselves to speak on the album.
What I am good at writing about, is feeling. This album feels like a sentimental journey through life and love spoken through relaxing and uplifting beats coupled with beautiful vocals and lyrics which are sparse yet deep. This album feels like a sunny day after a week of cold rain. This album feels like hope. This album feels like inspiration.
My true and heartfelt gratitude goes out to DJSid and Pixieguts for sharing their hearts, through their music, with the world, and, especially, with me.