Friday, October 14, 2011

Dear Samurai,

Did you know that I need you as much as you need, or perhaps more?  You are my light in the dark.  You are the sweetest soul.  I am so proud to be your Mama, and I hope that I can always make you proud and happy in return.

The life I have lived so far, I hope that you can learn from all my choices, good and bad.  From all my pain and sadness, so that you may not have to know your own.  At least, not in the same ways.  I pray for the wisdom to be able to always communicate to you appropriately these lessons I have so harshly learned, in a way that you can hear, understand and internalize.

I love you with everything I am, have been and will come to be.  There are but a few people who have been privileged enough to know this kind of love from me.  It is too overwhelming for all but the purest of heart and intention, and so it is extra special for me when I am able to freely share it.

This morning was beautiful.  It will be a beautiful day.  Enjoy it, my love.

Forever yours,

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